
教师资源 & 工作人员

  • 包容性课堂技巧


    所有学生都有权享受安全和包容的学习环境, 在那里他们可以自由学习而不用担心偏见, 歧视, 不相, 或者疏远他们的同伴和老师. 作为一名教员, you play an essential role in ensuring that our LGBTQIA+ students in particular feel welcome, 安全, 并在课堂上得到肯定, 并坚持大学对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容.

    You can learn more about the importance of supporting LGBTQIA+ student success by 点击这里.


    There are many simple and easy ways to incorporate inclusive practice into your classroom activities. 以下是一些建议:


    • Introduce yourself with your name and pronouns on the first day of class and invite students to do the same
    • 如果你的小组太大,不能做个人介绍, you can ask students to state their name and pronouns whenever they raise their hand to speak or ask a question
    • 如果您已完成安全区域认证, 在你的教学大纲和/或介绍中提到它.
    • 如果你让学生结对并互相介绍, make sure to include pronouns as one of the interview questions to avoid an embarrassing situation in which a student is introduced incorrectly.


    • 在邮件签名中使用代词
    • 避免使用“女士”之类的尊称./女士./Mr.除非这个人先用它们来指代自己


    • 分配小组项目时, assign groups or have students count off rather than allowing students to select their own groups. This will reduce the likelihood that students who are visibly different will be left out and encourages students to work with people they might not otherwise.
    • During classroom discussions, be mindful of who is speaking up and who is not. You can encourage the latter group to participate by asking for input from anyone who has not spoken in a while, or setting a rule that each person may only speak once until everyone else has had a chance to speak.
    • Never ask members of marginalized communities to speak on behalf of their entire group


    • 如果班级规模允许的话, facilitate a conversation on the first day of class that invites students to participate in creating a set of mutually agreed upon expectations for communication and conduct. This also has the benefit of giving students the opportunity to take ownership of their learning and feel invested in the classroom experience.
    • 在你自己的期望中, strive to create a culture of trust and respect that encourages dialogue and accountability without judgement.
    • Be mindful of unintentionally creating the expectation that those with marginalized identities should be the only ones to call out or address inappropriate/offensive language or behavior. 作为一名教员, you can both model appropriately addressing negative behaviors and empower your students to respectfully hold each other accountable.


    Language is constantly shifting and changing, and trying to keep up can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are a few simple tips to help you make your own language more inclusive:

    • 在课堂上演讲时, 不要用“女士们和先生们”, 使用中性的称呼,比如“all”, “每个人”, 等.". You can even use use terms like "friends" or "comrades" for something more familiar.
    • 当谈到一个重要的人, use "partner" instead of "boyfriend/girlfriend" or "wife/husband" to avoid assumptions about 性别 or sexual orientation
    • 指的是一个你不知道性别的人, use the 性别 neutral pronoun "they/them" rather than "he or she"/"him or her"
    • 查看我们的 术语表 to learn about appropriate terms, and outdated or problematic terms to avoid

    代词 & 选择的名字

    使用别人正确的名字和代词是一种尊重, and providing your students the opportunity to share the name and pronouns they would like to use, 无论是私下还是在课堂上, 让他们全身心地投入到课堂中, 提升他们的个人能动性, 鼓励他们更充分地参与, 并有助于在老师和学生之间建立信任.

    在学期开始之前, 考虑给学生发一封简短的介绍邮件, 包括你的代词和你希望别人怎么称呼你, and invite them to respond with their pronouns and the name they would like to use in class. This is especially important if you plan to call roll or pass around an attendance sheet in class, 如果你教的是一个很大的部分,这可能是一个更方便的方法.

    If you would rather collect name and pronoun information on the first day of class, options include:

    • 要求学生填写信息卡片. 除了你通常要求学生列出的信息之外, 你的学生是否也在记录上写下他们的名字, 他们想要使用的名称(如果它与记录中的名称不同), 以及他们的代词
    • Invite students to email or speak to you privately before the next class meeting to let you know their pronouns and the name they want you to use
    • 如果你让学生在第一天上课时自我介绍, 邀请(但不要求)每个人分享他们的代词. 通过鼓励大家分享他们的代词, you can help normalize the sharing of pronouns to make trans and non-binary students feel less singled out

    im体育关于代词的信息以及为什么尊重代词很重要, 点击这里.

    im体育关于尊重选择的名字的信息, 点击这里.


    Incorporating inclusive language in your syllabus is a simple step that may help students across a variety of identities feel seen, 听到并支持.

    You can copy and paste the language below into your syllabus or use it as a template to create your own welcome statement.

    In this course, each voice in the classroom has something of value to contribute. 请注意尊重不同的经历, 信仰, 以及参与本课程的学生和员工所表达的价值观. We support Purdue Fort Wayne's commitment to diversity and welcome individuals of all ages, 背景, 双重国籍, 残疾的人, 性别, 教育水平, 种族, 家庭状态, 性别, 性别身份, 地理位置, 语言, 军事经验, 政治观点, 比赛, 宗教, 性取向, 社会经济状态, 工作经历.


  • 了解你的权利


    Purdue Fort Wayne is strongly committed to providing all students and employees with fair and equal treatment in a diverse and inclusive environment, 不受歧视和骚扰.

    LGBTQIA+ employees are protected under Purdue system policy and federal law from 歧视, 并有权:

    • Use the restroom that best aligns with their 性别认同 irrespective of birth sex
    • 使用和被称为他们选择的名字和/或代词
    • Dress in a manner best reflective of their 性别认同 and presentation
    • 不受骚扰, 歧视, microaggressions, 和/或基于性取向的报复, 性别, 性别认同, 和/或性别表现
  • 报告偏见事件


    im体育 is committed to addressing 歧视 complaints promptly and consistently, 使用有效和公平的程序, and to resolving complaints at the lowest organizational level whenever possible. Persons who feel they have been discriminated against should bring their complaints to the attention of their department head or supervisor, 或者向机构公平办公室的人力资源部门寻求帮助.

    由于最近联邦第九章条例的变化, 在线报表目前正在建设中. 如果你想提交正式的骚扰投诉, 歧视, 或第九章骚扰, you may schedule an appointment or request a formal complaint form by emailing (电子邮件保护).

